# Load packages ----------------------------------------------------------------
library (shiny)
library (tidyverse)
library (ggthemes)
library (scales)
library (countrycode)
# Load data --------------------------------------------------------------------
manager_survey <- read_rds ("data/manager-survey.rds" )
# Find all industries ----------------------------------------------------------
industry_choices <- manager_survey |>
distinct (industry_other) |>
arrange (industry_other) |>
pull (industry_other)
# Randomly select 3 industries to start with -----------------------------------
selected_industry_choices <- sample (industry_choices, 3 )
# Define UI --------------------------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage (
titlePanel (title = "Ask a Manager" ),
sidebarLayout (
# Sidebar panel
sidebarPanel (
checkboxGroupInput (
inputId = "industry" ,
label = "Select up to 8 industies:" ,
choices = industry_choices,
selected = selected_industry_choices
# Main panel
mainPanel (
hr (),
"Showing only results for those with salaries in USD who have provided information on their industry and highest level of education completed." ,
br (), br (),
textOutput (outputId = "selected_industries" ),
hr (),
br (),
tabsetPanel (
type = "tabs" ,
tabPanel ("Average salaries" , plotOutput (outputId = "avg_salary_plot" )),
tabPanel (
"Individual salaries" ,
conditionalPanel (
condition = "input.industry.length <= 8" ,
sliderInput (
inputId = "ylim" ,
label = "Zoom in to salaries between" ,
min = 0 ,
value = c (0 , 1000000 ),
max = max (manager_survey$ annual_salary),
width = "100%"
plotOutput (outputId = "indiv_salary_plot" , brush = "indiv_salary_brush" ),
tableOutput (outputId = "indiv_salary_table" )
tabPanel ("Data" , DT:: dataTableOutput (outputId = "data" ))
# Define server function -------------------------------------------------------
server <- function (input, output, session) {
# Print number of selected industries
output$ selected_industries <- reactive ({
paste ("You've selected" , length (input$ industry), "industries." )
# Filter data for selected industries
manager_survey_filtered <- reactive ({
manager_survey |>
filter (industry_other %in% input$ industry)
# Make a table of filtered data
output$ data <- DT:: renderDataTable ({
manager_survey_filtered () |>
select (
# Futher filter for salary range
observeEvent (input$ industry, {
updateSliderInput (
inputId = "ylim" ,
min = min (manager_survey_filtered ()$ annual_salary),
max = max (manager_survey_filtered ()$ annual_salary),
value = c (
min (manager_survey_filtered ()$ annual_salary),
max (manager_survey_filtered ()$ annual_salary)
# Plot of jittered salaries from filtered data
output$ indiv_salary_plot <- renderPlot ({
validate (
need (length (input$ industry) <= 8 , "Please select a maxiumum of 8 industries." )
ggplot (
manager_survey_filtered (),
aes (
x = highest_level_of_education_completed,
y = annual_salary,
color = industry
) +
geom_jitter (size = 2 , alpha = 0.6 ) +
theme_minimal (base_size = 16 ) +
theme (legend.position = "top" ) +
scale_color_colorblind () +
scale_x_discrete (labels = label_wrap_gen (10 )) +
scale_y_continuous (
limits = input$ ylim,
labels = label_dollar ()
) +
labs (
x = "Highest level of education completed" ,
y = "Annual salary" ,
color = "Industry" ,
title = "Individual salaries"
# Linked brushing
output$ indiv_salary_table <- renderTable ({
brushedPoints (manager_survey_filtered (), input$ indiv_salary_brush)
# Plot of average salaries from filtered data
output$ avg_salary_plot <- renderPlot ({
validate (
need (length (input$ industry) <= 8 , "Please select a maxiumum of 8 industries." )
manager_survey_filtered () |>
group_by (industry, highest_level_of_education_completed) |>
summarise (
mean_annual_salary = mean (annual_salary, na.rm = TRUE ),
.groups = "drop"
) |>
ggplot (aes (
x = highest_level_of_education_completed,
y = mean_annual_salary,
group = industry,
color = industry
)) +
geom_line (linewidth = 1 ) +
theme_minimal (base_size = 16 ) +
theme (legend.position = "top" ) +
scale_color_colorblind () +
scale_x_discrete (labels = label_wrap_gen (10 )) +
scale_y_continuous (labels = label_dollar ()) +
labs (
x = "Highest level of education completed" ,
y = "Mean annual salary" ,
color = "Industry" ,
title = "Average salaries"
# Create the Shiny app object --------------------------------------------------
shinyApp (ui = ui, server = server)